10 Best Books on Media Buying: 2022

Media Buying is an extensive process of strategic planning, arrangement, negotiation aimed at purchasing the most profitable ad placements at the lowest cost. Advertisers or marketers buy inventories from popular publishers to get the maximum possible targeted customers. The first part of the process is Prelaunch which involves media buyers setting up the right channels for a client to advertise. During the second (launch) phase, buyers must be able to guarantee that advertisers deliver on their objectives. The final step, postlaunch, involves assessing how effective the campaign was and reporting to provide feedback. Hence, it will be easier if there are media buying resources readily available in the market which will discuss media planning terms and concepts in detail. In this article, we will discuss the best media buying books that will serve as a media buying guide to all the advertisers.


How to Choose the Best Media Buying Book or Resource

The appropriate media buying resource should be comprehensive, detailed with the theoretical foundation strongly layed down. The basic principles of media buying: how to select a target audience, setting objectives, creating campaigns, setting bid, obtaining analytics, monitoring the optimization changes, moving to other traffics, etc. should be explained precisely especially for beginners with specific case studies. Also, it should be kept in mind that the latest edition is to be selected for the updated information.

Top 10 Best Books on Media Buying in 2021

Here is a list of 10 best and popular books on media buying to help you get a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

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1. Media Planning & Buying in the 21st Century

–   Ronald D. Gesky

Description: This book is hefty with 560 pages. Not only does the book talk about the new age media but also treats media buying as one of the most important marketing function. A workbook and media reference are also available which gives instructors the flexibility to teach students the emphasis of the contents with the real world media costs.

Overall Review: The author has over 30 years of experience as both a media director and account director/group management director in the advertising agency world. Hence he has done a laudable task to write an introductory book on media planning. It is the perfect framework to build thoughts on how digital advertising will take a shape in the upcoming future. It comprehensively addresses the basics, and is written in more accessible language. Though the exercises are difficult for beginners.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.in/Media-Planning-Buying-21st-Century/dp/1456505300/ref=sr_1_6?keywords=media+in+the+21st+century&qid=1559844262&s=books&sr=1-6

2. Media Planning & Buying

– Arpita Menon

Description: It is a book written on the rapidly changing media landscape in the Indian context. Rich with diversity, India provides a lot of factors like changing customer choices, fragmented markets, rising media costs, and increasing demands of accountability from the clients towards the evolution of media technology. The book lays down the theoretical foundation on the principles of media buying & strongly recommends the solutions approach towards which the media industry is marching.

Overall Review: Arpita Menon is the Managing Partner at Quantemplate & a seasoned media professional with 17 years of industry experience in diverse roles spanning strategy, planning, media buying, research and client management across various agencies. Hence she is able to pen down the actual market scenario through various case studies. The book serves as a useful guide for media practitioners, students & academics.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.in/Media-Planning-Buying-Principles-Practice/dp/0070147604/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_2/262-1783762-4950818?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0070147604&pd_rd_r=65454620-8884-11e9-9b02-f71177bceae5&pd_rd_w=v2n6j&pd_rd_wg=nQzkq&pf_rd_p=92c5dc59-6da4-488e-ba00-262537223f6b&pf_rd_r=C8QAY270ME5RH48FR9NC&psc=1&refRID=C8QAY270ME5RH48FR9NC

3. Advertising Media Planning

– Jack Z. Sissors & Roger B. Baron

Description: The book shares all the traditional information about all media channels like TV, Radio, Print while venturing out to the latest digital advertising platforms. It covers areas like Organic and sponsored Google search, Digital out-of-home video, Internet banners, Computerized media channel planning, Cell phone mobile-media, DVR’s impact on TV commercial viewing, New online and traditional media measurement technologies, Interactive television, Cross-media planning, Data fusion, International competitive spending analysis.

Overall Review: More than 30 years old classic is considered as Bible by few veterans of media technology. This relevant & updated book has comprehensive coverage of the latest media planning and digital technologies.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.in/Advertising-Media-Planning-Seventh-Roger/dp/0071071016/ref=pd_sim_14_1/262-1783762-4950818?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0071071016&pd_rd_r=5d3fdc7f-8878-11e9-997d-afe0ebd7a957&pd_rd_w=KqqKi&pd_rd_wg=bszYv&pf_rd_p=3ba80840-2950-4d64-ba61-c68a14bd0939&pf_rd_r=JYZ70HD0S1JM4V5P273D&psc=1&refRID=JYZ70HD0S1JM4V5P273D

4. Small Business Marketing Kit For Dummies

– Barbara Findlay Schenck

Description: The book covers marketing basics that help you define business position and brand advice on bringing in professionals A reference guide to mass media and a glossary of information on direct mail, brochures, publicity, promotions, and ten steps to follow to build your own marketing plan with pages of ideas for low-cost, high-impact marketing.

Overall Review: This book was garnered with respectable feedback from the small business and marketing communities. Credited for its vast content, from developing a marketing strategy and setting goals, objectives, and budgets to establishing a reputable web presence, this book is a great resource for anyone getting into business. With detailed analysis and instruction for how to select and manage your company’s desired media mix, It inspired thousands of small businesses on their way to becoming big businesses.

Buy Link: https://www.alibris.com/Small-Business-Marketing-for-Dummies-Barbara-Findlay-Schenck/book/7970302

5. The Media Handbook

– Helen Katz

Description: This book explains basic media planning and buying calculations along with the practical realities of offering plan alternatives and evaluating those. It also covers the benefits and drawbacks of each major media forms and examines how media fits into the overall marketing framework, providing insights on how marketing and media objectives are established. It will serve as an indispensable reference for anyone pursuing a career in media planning, buying, and research.

Overall Review: In-depth explanations of technical terminology with real life examples, instructions for practical application and a collection of resources that will help to get a business started.

Buy Link: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-media-handbook-5

6. Cashvertising

– Drew Eric Whitman

Description: This 207 page easy-read book lets the readers know about the proven scientific principles of advertising psychology. What, how these principles are and how these can be used in your day to day life to monetize your advertisement campaigns; are shared by the author.

Overall Review: One of the best books to impart knowledge on digital marketing, written in an easy style. It includes all forms of marketing like Email, affiliate in detailed analysis with little known tips & techniques.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/1601630328/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=211189&creative=373493&creativeASIN=1601630328&link_code=am3&tag=iammedbuyblo-20&linkId=CZDVG473Y36T7UBX

7. Advanced Media Planning

– John R. Rossiter & Peter J. Danaher

Description: This book introduces the advanced concept of using reach patterns and the method of factoring in effective frequency when making the frequency & reach decisions. Other necessary new concepts are introduced for choosing an appropriate media strategy.

Overall Review: This book provides an advanced approach to media planning along with the basics making the book suitable for trainees. The argument that current media planning is too conventional for modern media is quite strongly expressed. Reach and frequency are also too simplistic but incorrect for media planning strategies.

Buy Link: https://www.alibris.com/Advanced-Media-Planning-John-R-Rossiter/book/134894

8. Why She buys

– Bridget Brennan

Description: According to the author of this book approximately 80% of everything is heavily influenced by women. The book is filled with  interviews, case studies, examples footnotes which add depth and substance to her arguments, observations into facts.

Overall Review: The book is written in a straightforward & light style with friendly tone which is a valuable addition to a marketer’s collection especially who wants to succeed in the new economy.

Buy Link: https://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=9780307450395&ic=16_0&Find=Find&search_constraint=3920&u1=PRHEFFDF5A7F1–9780307450395&oid=183959.1&wmlspartner=VD9*lkiWNd8&sourceid=23481646631828050223&affillinktype=10&veh=aff

9. Truth, Lies & Advertising: The Art of Account Planning

– Jon Steel

Description: The book gives the message that strategic account planning results in better & more effective marketing and advertising for both agencies and clients. By criticizing conventional research practices, the author suggests new ways of approaching research for great creative ideas.

Overall Review: The book is full of creative advertisements with a simple writing style. Its theories on simple advertising campaign are helpful in conceptualizing the most effective advertising campaign.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.in/Truth-Lies-Advertising-Planning-Magazine-ebook/dp/B000SW16FS

10. Advertising Media A to Z

– Jim Surmanek

Description: It is a quick reference book which emphasises the importance of media planners above everything else for a successful advertising campaign. It is a comprehensive resource of key terminology and concepts for media planning, media buying, and media research.

Overall Review: The book contains interesting historical information, tips and other guidelines on media buying and planning for media professionals to achieve maximum return on advertising investments.

Buy Link: https://www.amazon.com/Advertising-Media-Z-Jim-Surmanek/dp/0071422145

Round Up

Media Buying involves a lot of careful planning, strategies and execution. There is a constant need for a source of information and advice. The Media buying books come in handy for educators, publishers, advertisers, students, etc. Written by experts in the field of Media technology, these books serve as references, guides in media buying and planning.

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